Food Groups -- School-age

Food Groups

Eat Them Everyday
(Tune: "Row Row Row Your Boat")

Milk, milk, eggs and cheese
Fruits and vegetables
Meat and breads and cereals
Eat them everyday.


Fruits color page

Fruits color page

Paper Plate Fruit Basket

Paper Plate Fruit Basket

Cut a semicircle from a paper plate, leaving a rim for a handle. Have children color their paper plate basket. Have children cut pictures of fruit from magazines or use clipart and glue on the basket.

Fruit Discover MyPlate Emergent Reader Mini Book - Includes the sight words: the, is, eat, are,

Fruits Discover MyPlate cut-apart sentences.


Plant Parts We Eat Video


Make Butter
Need: Heavy Whipping Cream and a jar with a lid. Baby food jars work great.

Fill the jar half way with whipping cream.
Put the lid on tightly.
Shake (put on some music)
After a few minutes the cream will thicken.
Peak inside and see that buttermilk has separated from the butter.
You can drink the buttermilk and spread your butter on crackers to eat.
Or put the lid back on and keep shaking until the butter has formed a solid mass.

How Popcorn Is Made Video

What Is Inside A Bean Video


Protein food group color page

Protein color

Bean Art using a cd case.

Bean Art using a cd case.

Food Groups

Food Groups
Need: newspaper grocery ads and magazines, glue, scissors, large paper

Divide children into small groups. Give each group a large paper and a food group. Have them hunt together in ad packs and magazines for food items in that group. The children glue their choices and label them onto their paper. Have each group share their choices with the class. Hang in the room.

Food Pyramid Book
Need: newspaper grocery ad packs, magazines, glue, scissors, six pieces of writing paper and 1 construction paper

Fold construction paper to create a book. Place the six writing papers inside the construction paper. On the top of each paper write the name of a Food Pyramid section and number of servings. Have children use newspaper grocery ads and magazines to find food pictures to glue on each paper. Decorate the front of your Food Pyramid Book.

Name That Food Minute (grade 2+)
Small Groups

Each groups will need pencils and a piece of paper. The teacher names a food group and a letter of the alphabet. Example: grains (breads and cereals) letter "B". The teacher sets a time limit, can be one minute or five minutes. When the time is up have each group share their list with the class. The group with the most items on their list wins. The game continues with another food group selected and a different alphabet letter chosen.


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