Colors -- Preschool & Kindergarten


Painted Hands

Choose your Color

Brown, B&W, Blue,

Green, Orange, Yellow

Purple, Red, Color Mixing



A Song of Colors
tune: Mary had a little lamb

Susan wore a yellow shirt, yellow shirt, yellow shirt,
Susan wore a yellow shirt to school today.

Form a circle and have each child come to the center as you call the child's name and what he/she is wearing.

Wearing Colors

If you have on red- touch your head
If you have on blue- touch your shoe
If you have on green- make a face that's mean If you have on yellow- say "Hello"
If you have on orange- say "Good-bye"
If you have on brown- turn around
If you have on black- make your hands go smack
If you have on purple- pop up!

Group Time

Color Houses
Need: Felt pieces- 6 different colors, brown felt

Cut the six different felt pieces into houses- about 4-6 inches big (big enough to hide a mouse under). Cut the brown felt into a mouse. Using a felt board hide the mouse under a colored house without the children seeing and have them guess the color the mouse is under. Have them say the names of the colors.
Contributed by: Natasha

A mouse shape is half a heart shape with a circle for an ear and a thin piece of felt for a tail.

mouse shape outline


Color Book

Do one page for each color you work with. On each page, have children draw a line or a picture with a crayon of the color, glue a piece of material or yarn of the color. Cut out objects of different shapes and the color you are working on. Have the children pick out and glue the pictures onto the color page.

Save each page, and when there are several compile them into a book. Punch out holes and fasten the book together by tying rainbow ribbon or yarn through the holes.


Ribbon Color Game

Place a variety of single-colored ribbons in a basket. Let each child select a ribbon. Help the children look around the room for objects that are the same color as their ribbons. When they find a matching object, have the children place their object and their ribbon by the basket.


Transition: Have children line up by the color that is called.

Primary colors are red, blue, yellow.
Secondary colors are made by mixing primary colors.
Secondary colors are purple, green, and orange.

Learning Centers

Colored Magnifier
Need: colored cellophane, file folders, glue

Colored Magnifier On a folded file folder trace a magnify glass shape - that way you will cut out two magnify glass shapes. Keep the handle wide. Cut a circle out in the middle of the magnify shapes, keeping the border thick

Open magnify shapes. Cut out a square of colored cellophane and place glue dots around the circle you cut out, place cellophane over the circle area. Dots of glue on one of the magnify shapes and glue both magnify shapes together. Place on your science table. Children love holding this up and looking through it.


Story activities and printables for "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?"

Black and White


Black and White
Need: Various colors of items that are black and white. Need: white paper, black paper, white crayons, black crayons.

Provide black or white paper, scissors, and glue, and invite children to use the materials to make collages. Later, add black and white markers, crayons, chalk, and/or paints. Encourage children to experiment with the strong contrasts of the colors. Consider creating a "Black and White" display by covering a bulletin board with black and white construction paper, then hanging children's creations.


Domino Trails
Need: dominos or blocks

Children can work in pairs. Ask them to experiment with lining up three or four blocks (like dominoes), so when they gently push the first one, all the blocks fall in succession. Encourage children to work and plan with their partners.


Snack Ideas

chocolate/vanilla cookies, milk, white bread, popcorn, marshmallows, raisins.

Black and White Collages Video



Finding Colors
tune: "The Muffin Man"

Oh, can you find the color blue,
The color blue, the color blue?
Oh, can you find the color blue,
Somewhere in this room?>

I See Blue
(tune: Frere Jacques)

I see blue, I see blue.
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
I see a blue block,
I see a blue crayon.
I see blue. Yes, I do.

Repeat, each time letting the children substitute the names of blue items that they see for "block" and "crayon."


Sponge Painting

Using sponge pieces, thick blue paint, and sheets of light blue paper. If desired, clothespins can be clipped on the sponges and used as handles. Have children dip the sponge into blue paint and print on light blue paper.

Learning Centers-Sensory Table

Blue Goop

Make goop. Add blue food coloring when mixing ingredents.

Blue Print


Blueberries for Sal
by Robert McCloskey

Blueberries for Sal

Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk! Sal and her mother a picking blueberries to can for the winter. But when Sal wanders to the other side of Blueberry Hill, she discovers a mama bear preparing for her own long winter. Meanwhile Sal's mother is being followed by a small bear with a big appetite for berries! Will each mother go home with the right little one?



Blue Windows

Place blue colored cellophane or acetate sheets over some of the windows. It is fun to look out the windows and see a blue world

Group Time

Eye Color

Prepare an eye color chart with the children. On the chart list the colors: blue, brown, and green. Under each category, record the children's names who have that particular eye color. Extend the activitiy by adding the number of children with each color.



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