Turtles -- Preschool & Kindergarten
Little Turtle
Little turtle in your shell,
Slowly you do go.
(Cover right hand with left hand.)
Slowly creeping, slowly crawling,
Slow is nice, you know!
(Move hands along slowly.)
Here is My Turtle
Here is my turtle,
(Form fist and extend thumb.)
He lives in a shell.
(Put thumb inside fist.)
He like his home
Very well.
(Nod head)
He pokes his head out
(Pop out thumb.)
When he wants to eat.
(Circle thumb around.)
And pulls it back in
When he wants to sleep.
(Put thumb back inside fist.)
The Little Turtle
Poem by Vachel Linsay
Illustrated by Priscilla Pointer
Childcraft, Volume 1, The Poems of Early Childhood (1954), p. 96
A Turtle
Need: construction paper, paper bowls, tempera paint or markers.
Using markers, paint, or paper scraps children can decorate the outside of their bowls to look like a turtle shell. Have children place glue on the edge of the paper bowl. Turn the bowl upside down and place on a piece of construction paper. Children can use paint or markers to draw the turtle head legs, and a tail on the paper.
The children can draw a habitat for a turtle on the construction paper; pond, grass, rocks, a beach scene...
Paper Bag Turtle Puppet
Print the template.
Painted Turtles Kindergarten Art
Language Arts
Turtle Order of Letters Worksheet