Flower Gardens -- Preschool & Kindergarten

Flower Gardens


Flowers Theme Activities and Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten.


A Little Sun

A little sun (hold arms above head)
A little rain (wiggle fingers in the air in a downward motion)
Now pull up all the weeds (pretend to pull weeds)
Our flowers grow, all in a row (hold up all ten fingers lined up like flowers)
From tiny little seeds. (hold thumb and finger to show size of seeds)

A Flower

Here’s a green leaf,
(show hand)
And here’s a green leaf,
(show other hand)
That, you see, makes two.
(hold up two fingers)
Here is a bud,
(cup hands together)
that makes a flower;
Watch it bloom for you!
(open cupped hands gradually).




Collage Flowers
Need: scraps of brightly colored construction paper, glue, crayons, markers, construction paper.

Give each child a piece of construction paper. Encourage the children to use the brightly colored scrap pieces to create flowers on their paper.

After the "flower collages" are dry, staple (left side) a sheet of paper on the back of of collage to create a book. Ask the child what he/she would like to say about their flower collage, child writes or an adult writes what child says.

Flower Petal Designs
Need: toilet paper rolls, construction paper, bright paint

Have the children glue a pre-cut flower pot shape onto the bottom of a piece of black construction paper. Dip a slightly flattened toilet paper roll into brightly colored paint, and stamp it onto the paper, stamping the "petals" in a circle, creating a flower design. The children can paint a stem, or use a green pipe cleaner for a stem. Use sponges cut as leaves for the leaf stamp, finishing off the activity.
Contributed By: Terra Vaughn


Learning Centers

Flower Gardan Sensory Table

Add to the sensory table gardening tools, small containers, small buckets, small shovels and hoes, long stem plastic flowers.

Coffee grounds: Place used coffee grounds in a long box to dry out. When dry place in the sensory table.

Flower Arranging

Artificial flowers and containers can be placed in the dramatic play area. The children can make centerpieces for the classroom tables.


Flower Cards
catalogs, magazines, file folders or cardboard cut to be cards, glue

Let the children construct flower picture cards. Have the children look through catalogs and magazines and cut out pictures of flowers. Glue the pictures onto old folders or cardboard.

When finished the cards can be used for sorting: Place a variety of colors of construction paper on the table and have the children sort the flower cards by color. Count the number of flowers by each color. Can create a graph. Place pieces of construction paper (can tape together and fold) and flower cards in a bag and place on the math table.

Flower Shop
Silk flowers, flowerpots, watering cans, gloves, plastic vases, seed packets, styrofoam balls, cash register, telephone, paper pads and pencils.

Children can stick the flowers into the styrofoam balls and put them into the vases. This eliminates the need for dirt or potting soil. Set up one part of the area as the flower arrangement area and a growing area. In another part of the area have the cash register, telephone, and pads for taking orders for the flower arrangements. Include pictures of flowers that have been cut from magazines as the flower shop brochure.


Place a variety of flowers on the science table. The children can compare the color, shape, size, and smell of each flower.

Planting Seeds

Plant flower seeds in a styrofoam cup. Save the seed packages and mount on a piece of tagboard. Place this directly behind the containers on the science table. The children can compare their plants. When the plants start growing compare the seed packages to the plant growth.

Tall Flower from TeachPreschool
Make a tall flower from construction paper. Lay the flower on the floor. Children lay next to the flower. Which is taller the flower or the child?

Color Carnations

Add water to plastic cups or water bottle. Add about 10 to 20 drops of food color to each cup. Cut the stem of each carnation at an angle and place one carnation in each cup/bottle.

Make a multi-colored carnation. Take two plastic cups. Add a different food color, such as blue and red, to each cup. Cut the carnations stem at an angle then starting at the bottom of the carnation split the stem up the middle with a sharp knife (split stem about 1/3 to 1/2 length of flower stem). Place each half of the stem into separate cups. Check often to see how things are progressing.

If you use two colors, such as red and blue, when the colored water is drawn up into the flower there will be purple too. Ask the child where did the purple come from.

Rainbow Flower Bouquet from TeachPreschool

Pans of paint and tools to paint with, round sponges work great. White construction paper to create the flower bouquet on. Strips of green construction paper to glue down as stems.

Things to Print

Flowers Coloring Page

Flowers Coloring Page

Other Sites

Flower Petal Math

How A Seed Grows - Mini Book

Flower Sequence Cards to Print - planting, growing a flower

Layered Circle Flowers


This educational and enjoyable book helps children understand how to plant bulbs, seeds, and seedlings, and nurture their growth.



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